Important Notice
Intervento del Ministro Vincenzo Amendola
Il Ministro per gli Affari Europei, Vincenzo Amendola, è intervenuto durante il Panel #3: Dalla Smart City alla Smart Nation.
Video dell'intervento
I-CiTies 2020 is a Virtual Conference free of charge
Dear Colleagues, the continuing uncertainty about the possibility of organizing I-CiTies 2020 in presence, convinced us to transform the Conference into an online event.
We are well aware of the difference between in-presence and online, and this decision was not taken lightly.
We believe that in this still difficult and complex moment, iCities 2020 can represent an important opportunity for our community to share initiatives and research results and to create opportunities for research and innovation collaborations with the Industrial World and the Territory.
To make this opportunity a reality:
- we have decided that participation in the Conference will be free of charge;
- we are working on the definition of Panels that, as usual, will be part of the program;
- we will redefine the modalities of participation organizing a program that can be enjoyed remotely.
Finally, the presented works can be selected for submission (in extended form) to a Special Issue of the magazine "Sensors" entitled "Smart Cities of the Future: A Cyber Physical System Perspective".
So, we encourage you to contribute and participate to I-CiTies 2020.
Looking forward to eMeet you all!
The Organizing Committee
I-CiTies 2020
September 23-25, 2020
University of Salerno - Fisciano (SA), Italy | Virtual Conference
ICT for Smart Cities
The term smart is frequently misused today. A city becomes smart only when it can offer services that can properly take into account the real and priority needs coming from its population. Those services have to be therefore context-dependent and support the achievement of city-specific goals. Smart city solutions have to be multi-disciplinary, blending together socio, cultural, and technical aspects alltogether. In this context, ICT becomes the means to move from problems to digital solutions.
About the conference
The conference, at its sixth edition, is an opportunity for people from academia, industries and public institutions to meet and define new collaborations in the perspective of next national and international project calls. It is not intended to disseminate theoretical scientific activities. Instead, its main goal is to present available innovative solutions and active research projects, as well as novel ideas for new project proposals.
Contact Us
Our Address
University of Salerno
Via Giovanni Paolo II, 132 - 84084 Fisciano (SA) | Italy
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Tel: +39 089 96 2711
Fax: +39 089-968722